Week 23- Miss Fatty, Fatty

Week 23- Miss Fatty, Fatty

Sorry, sorry, we are jumping over the several weeks, but you will understand why.

This is my sister, Miss Fatty, Fatty. She is not actually fat, she is only pregnant. But she was thin for many, many years and I have to admit that I am totally delighted that she is finally fatter than me. (It has happed once more when she was pregnant for the first time, with Pavle). Now I had to hurry with this post, beacuse she will deliver the baby soon! Estimated term is 4th of July and we are looking forward to it. Pavle will get a baby brother! And goodbye Miss Fatty Fatty!

Look at her! She is so beautiful and happy! And me as well!

But it brings up another problem: Will I be able to be double-superhero-aunt to Pavle and to the baby? It is a great responsibility, you know. That job means a lot of stuff, for instance:

-eating exclusively with hands and encouraging Pavle to do it as well
-driving a teeny tiny car and forcing Pavle to push me beacuse the car is too slow
-making tents all around the house and hide
-speaking in a deeeeeep voice
-playing Pavle amazing music, totally inapropriate for kids
-letting Pavle explore the content of refrigerator and try everything he likes
-throwing all shampoos and shower gels in the bath an watching them slide (hilarious noise)
-playing guittar with Pavle (he is slightly better than me) and singing loudly

….and so on. I have to keep high standards in my aunt business. And make everyting double. Sound like a challenge! Who am I kidding? I am TOTALLY looking forward to expand my superhero work!

But new tips are always welcome!

P. S. Dear parents, aunts are NOT spoiling your children. Children need some safe spot where they can do all the stupid things fearlessly. And aunts need that as well. So it makes perfect match!

2 thoughts on “Week 23- Miss Fatty, Fatty

  1. Pingback: World Gratitude Day – Thankyouthankyouthankyou | inspiration cookie

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